Get involved
With Logan Together
Community of Practice
Systems change in practice – become a champion of place-based, community-led change.
We are building our Community of Practice (CoP) as a vibrant and supportive network of people dedicated to place-based, community-led change.
What is a Community of Practice?
This Community of Practice (CoP) aims to create a vibrant and supportive network of people dedicated to place-based, community-led change.
Through regular webinars and other opportunities to meet with like-minded peers, members will have the opportunity to enhance their skills, share insights, and develop their practice to understand, and implement, ways of working that lead to meaningful impact in communities.
What is the purpose of the Community of Practice?
The purpose of this Community of Practice is to bring together people who are champions of place-based, community-led change who are: interested in developing their place-based, community-led practice advocates for community power and shared decision-making champions of place-based community-led change.
The CoP will:
share good practice and innovative approaches to place-based community-led change
provide a platform for discussing challenges and solutions related to place-based initiatives
enhance the skills and knowledge of participants through continuous learning and development opportunities
foster collaboration and networking among Community of Practice members
The CoP will be an online community. The key channels and opportunities to engage will be:
Quarterly webinars: provide opportunities to hear about the experience of doing place-based community-led change
Logan Together website: page on website to provide links and signposts to Community of Practice resources and materials
Logan Together LinkedIn: promotion of the Community of Practice and opportunities to share key learnings and opportunities to be involved in ongoing place-based community-led change work
Logan Together YouTube: recordings of webinar sessions available to access
Who can join the Community of Practice?
The Community of Practice will be open to anyone interested in attending and participating.
We expect that members will include community members and community leaders (from Logan and other communities) as well as people working in different sectors, including:
public sector (from local, state and Australian governments and agencies)
private sector (corporates, small business, other enterprises with an interest in place-based, community-led change work and place-based capital)
service sector (including social service providers)
change advocates (including peak bodies, representative and membership organisations)
philanthropy (including individual philanthropic organisations as well as philanthropic groups and alliances)
other Backbone Teams working in other communities throughout Australia
We also expect that members will come from a variety of subject matter backgrounds and contexts, including:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partnerships
child protection
multicultural affairs
disability services and support
inclusion and equity
urban development
community development
economic development
small business
data and research
How to join the Community of Practice?
The Community of Practice will run quarterly webinars with thought-provoking subjects and discussion. To join the Community of Practice:
1. Register for one of our upcoming webinars
2. Select "yes" when asked "Would you like to join the Logan Together Community of Practice?".
You're also welcome to register for webinars without joining up by simply clicking "No".
If you would like any additional information or would like to get involved with the Community of Practice movement, please email
Community of Practice Webinar series:
Webinar 1
Tues 6 August 2024
Webinar 2
November 2024
Webinar 3
February 2025
Webinar 4
May 2025
How Child Safety listened to local leaders and changed its practice.
Webinar topic to be confirmed.
Webinar topic to be confirmed
Webinar topic to be confirmed