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Data and outcomes 

Logan Together

What's working?

How the work of Logan Together and community-led place-based change is making a difference to the children and families of Logan

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Community outcomes and data

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Data cards

Summary of our community outcomes and data to date

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Core practice and evidence flyers

Maternal & Child Health Hubs
Sustained Nurse Home Visits
Thriving and on Track (TOTs)

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How we've

Our contributions to community outcomes 

How and what will we measure? 

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Theory of Change

Logan Together's
Theory of Change 

Our Focus on Logan Children

Our Focus on
Logan's Children

Our visual representation of the Collective Plan


for 2022-2032

Our current Roadmap, updated in 2023

Collective Plan Summary Table

Collective Plan

Logan Together's Collective Plan was built by our community in 2022

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