Get involved
With Logan Together
Ways to get involved
There are many different ways to get involved. Reach out to find out more.​
Current opportunities
This is where you'll find future oppourtunities to be a part of ground-breaking social impact work in supporting community-led, place-based change happening in Logan, so check back next time you visit our page.
The work of Logan Together could not happen without volunteers! From supporting events and bringing community together, to providing secretariat support and sharing lived experience, our volunteers are generous with sharing their skills and expertise. We’d love to hear from you if you’re keen to be involved!
CALD Women's Advisory Group
The CALD Women’s Advisory Group provides opportunity for women from culturally diverse backgrounds to advocate on issues important to diverse families and children in Logan to improve the outcomes for children.
Women from different cultural backgrounds come together once a month to share the concerns of their communities, build their capacity to advocate for a solution and advocate on behalf of their communities to Government and build a movement.
Community chats
​Join us for a chat! Share your ideas, meet with other Logan community members passionate about Logan’s young children, and hear about the work of Logan Together.
Our location
Drop by for a chat!