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Resource library

Logan Together

Learning together

 Have a look through the resources below to learn about the work of Logan Together and community-led place-based change.


Knowledge tree

Our knowledge tree is a snapshot of some of our key documents and some background about community-led place-based change.

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Community led futures

Read - Watch - Explore



This library contains Logan Together-specific documents, and information about community-led place-based change. We will continue to add to the library as information is made available and documents evolve

Logan Together guiding documents

3 Pillars

Values: The 3 pillars

Our 3 pillars are embedded
in all our work

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Our governance model

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Community Led Futures: Finance Matters

Why Finance matters for place-based change.

Our Focus on Logan Children

Our Focus on
Logan's Children

Our visual representation of the Collective Plan

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Theory of Change

Logan Together's
Theory of Change 

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Theory of Scale

 This is how our work at scale has unfolded in Logan Together.


for 2022-2032

Our current Roadmap, updated in 2023

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Core Suite

Making the early
childhood pathway
clear and connected or families in Logan

Collective Plan Summary Table

Collective Plan

Logan Together's Collective Plan was built by our community in 2022

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ChangeFest 2018

The Changefest statement was created in 2018 and has guided our work ever since. 

Policy and practice

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Collective Impact

Resources that explore the evidence of the impact of community-led change. 

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Measuring What Matters

Measuring What Matters is Australia’s first national wellbeing framework for a more healthy, secure, sustainable, cohesive and prosperous Australia.


Qld Place-based Network

Ensuring that kids and places in Queensland have what they need to thrive.

A partnership to create a thriving placed-based eco-system.

Kid Piling Blocks

Early Years

The Australian Government is developing an Early Years Strategy to shape its vision for the future of Australia’s children and their families.

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Children's Charter

This Charter and toolkit has been developed with children in Logan for the purpose of engaging businesses and community in a child friendly city.

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Closing the Gap

Closing the Gap is underpinned by the belief that when Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have a genuine say in the design and delivery of policies, programs and services that affect them, better life outcomes are achieved. 


Productivity Commission
ECEC Inquiry 

Closing the Gap is underpinned by the belief that when Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have a genuine say in the design and delivery of policies, programs and services that affect them, better life outcomes are achieved. 

Government Building

DSS and SPSP Partnership 

Stronger Places, Stronger People collaboration agreement with the federal Department of Scial Security 

Research and information

Connected Dots


Logan's Children and Families 2017
Playing with Wooden Toys


House in blue

Logan Suburb Profiles

Take a look at the ABS data mapped to each of Logan's 70 suburbs.

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