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How we got here and where we are going

Our Roadmap and how we use it

We built our Roadmap with community using the voices collected through the 1000 Voices project and the Splash! event. The Roadmap is our “north star”. It sets what we need to be working towards and how we will see if we are on track.

Our journey

Getting to our Roadmap

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Collecting voices

We collected voices of Logan using the 1000 Voices approach.  


We analysed those voices against the six ARACY Nest domains, then looked at what was already measured – the data that was available from government and other partners about life for children and families in Logan.



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Building together

We took these voices and the data, and brought them to an event called Splash!


And here we aligned them to identify the priorities of the Logan community – what our community wanted the focus on Logan’s children to look like, and what it would look like if we were achieving these outcomes – our signs of success.​



Our Roadmap

This Collective Plan was then translated into our Roadmap. This is a more technical document that sets out our community priorities as well as how we will measure key signs of success.


It highlights where information is captured along the life-course of children, and where we will measure things that sit within broader whole-of-system areas. 

Logan Together Roadmap

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